Blueberry pancakes forever by Angelica Banks

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Tuesday McGillycuddy series. Allen and Unwin, 2016. ISBN 9781760110451
(Age: 10+) Highly recommended. Have you ever wondered where writers get their ideas? Have you ever wondered why stories sound and feel real? Well, Blueberry Pancakes Forever tells us of a world, a magical world of writers. In this world, the Librarian is the keeper of the stories and the Gardener is the carer of the story worlds. Tuesday McGillycuddy and her mum Serendipity are writers. Only writers visit the story world. Their stories are about a fairy-like girl named Vivienne Small and to write a story means to live in the world as the story unfolds.
Since the death of Denis, Tuesday's dad, Tuesday and her mum haven't written a story. They haven't even visited Vivienne's world. Sadness fills their hearts and their homes until Collette arrives to help. Serendipity is called to the story world and Tuesday is pulled into Vivienne Small's world by an unknown force; by a character who doesn't belong there. Does Tuesday have the imagination to help her escape? Can Collette enter a world of writers in the hope of getting Tuesday back? How does a small dog turn into a large, winged dog?
Blueberry Pancakes Forever is a mesmerising read and an exploration of loss, love, family and imagination. The story is engaging and exciting and will hook readers quickly. It is highly recommended for girls aged 10+ and is part of the Tuesday McGillycuddy series. It is written by two Australian authors who share a pen name and have created an enchanting world. Hopefully, Blueberry Pancakes Forever will also encourage the secret writer to create their own stories.
Kylie Kempster