Blue the builder's dog by Jen Storer

Ill. by Andrew Joyner. Penguin, 2016. ISBN 9780670077809
Blue is a builder's dog - an ordinary builder's dog that can be
found on almost any building site in this country. He rides in the
ute to work, guards the tools, greets the subbies and signs the
concrete slabs. (Oops!) He samples sausage rolls at smoko, cleans up
the lunchtime pies and pasties and does all the things a builder's
dog is supposed to do. He is mates with the whole team.
But Blue does not have a hard hat, he is not allowed up high (even
though he liked to go there) and the Big Boss does not take his
advice. He is also not allowed to sleep in the house with the
builder. He is consigned to the shed - which is NO place for a
Working Dog of his stature and importance - and this makes him cranky.
All he wants is his own kennel - not even a flash one, just one
with a hidey-hole for old bones, a swinging door with his name and
maybe a periscope. So he decides to build his own and quits the
building team. Instead of going to work, he stays home to build his
own kennel. The result is not quite like the plan he had in his head
and probably wouldn't meet the Big Boss's standards, but
nevertheless it is a grand home worthy of a Working Dog. That night
he snuggles in happily content and unconcerned that the builder has
gone out. Until a huge storm comes...
Jen Storer and Andrew Joyner have created a funny but touching story
that will appeal to readers of all ages. Everyone will recognise
Blue (some may even know him) and empathise with his need to have a
place of his own. They will laugh at his building skills but be sad
as he huddles on the doormat in the rain waiting for the builder to
come home. And they will delight in the ending which so clearly
demonstrates how important it is to be part of a team. They might
even like to try their hand at designing the perfect kennel for Blue
and maybe even build it if you have a makerspace.
It is an uplifting story that needs to be read just for the fun of
it with the perfect pictures emphasizing the quality of the text.
Andrew Joyner has drawn the iconic Blue and captured the
personalities and conditions on the building site with great detail
and humour so well while Jen Storer has taken a situation that is
played out across Australia everywhere every day and turned it into
an engaging tale that is just delightful. One of those true picture
books where the marriage between text and illustration is so
synergistic that it touches something within and becomes a
read-it-again-and-again favourite.
Barbara Braxton