Blue and Bertie by Kristyna Litten

Scholastic Australia, 2016. ISBN 9781742761800
(Ages: 3-7) Recommended. Differences and similarities, belonging,
trying new things. Colour is used to tell the story of these two
giraffes who are both similar and different. It is also a main
illustrative feature. Bertie is an average looking yellow giraffe.
Blue is a blue giraffe. Bertie's life with the other giraffes is
monotonous: they nibble leaves, they drink water and they snooze.
That is the way they like it. The colour palette showing Bertie and
the herd is grey and yellow. When Bertie oversleeps and wakes up all
alone he doesn't know what to do or where to go. He has never had to
think for himself before! When he meets Blue, the world comes alive
with colourful creatures and flowers that Bertie has never noticed
before - he's been too busy doing the same old thing every day. In
the end, Bertie convinces Blue that he belongs with the herd even
though he is blue, and with Blue's new perspective the herd start
doing things a little differently each day.
This is a simple, heart-warming story about stopping to smell the
roses and finding a place to belong. It emphasises that being
different is not so bad and that different perspectives can even
make the world a more interesting place. Told primarily through the
dialogue of the two giraffes (along with beginning and end
narration), the text is concise, simple and undetailed. Bold and
enlarged text tells the reader when to add emphasis and there are
many sounds for young children to join in with ('crunchity-crunch,
sip, slurp, snore, snore, snore'). The illustrations are delightful,
managing to capture the emotions of the giraffes in the movement and
shape of their long bodies as well as in their facial expressions.
Nicole Smith-Forrest