Blast off! by Shelly Unwin

Penguin Random House, 2018. ISBN 9780143785040
(Age: 4-8) Recommended. The front cover of this is deceiving as what
looks like a frivolous picture book is actually a fairly informative
romp through the solar system. The end papers show the planets of
the solar system and the sun in their relative positioning and the
factual information continues within the pages. Two kids and their
dog are headed off on a space adventure and we're invited on board
the rocket just in time for the countdown; "Let's climb aboard our
rocket ship and zoom off planet-bound". Facts are woven cleverly
through the well-written rhyming text ("Eight planets in the solar
system, spinning round and round") and both the pictures and the
accompanying text provide humour and light-heartedness. As the
rocket zooms along "Stand back!", one of the children shouts,
"Mercury is mega-hot and closest to the sun. You couldn't visit
Mercury, the heat would burn your bum!". We see that Let's bake
woofles is the title of the dog astronaut's book and the boy is busy
cooking bacon and eggs. At the bottom of each page are the planets
in order with an arrow showing which planet we are on now; along
with the endpapers this will orient readers to the layout of the
solar system. There are many details within the busy illustrations
for children to laugh at and enjoy. The last two pages have further
explanatory information about each planet as well as about the
Apollo 11 mission. For an interactive element and to encourage
rereading there are also two very well hidden aliens to find on each
page. Best of all, this is a fast-paced, rollicking journey through
the solar system that will inspire curiosity about outer space and
the planets within it.
Nicole Smith-Forrest