Black Mountain by Greig Beck

Macmillan, 2012. ISBN 978 1 7426 1086 3.
(Age: Middle-upper secondary) Alex Hunter is an enhanced human
through a secret program using a bacteria to create better soldiers
with increased abilities. Here he wakes up not knowing who or
where he is, but he is helped by a beautiful Israeli agent, who
knows who and what he is. This leads to a series of high
action adventures in which Alex's memory slowly begins to
return. This is juxtaposed with a series of brutal deaths in
the Appalachians' Black Mountain area. As Alex's memory
returns so does a desire to return to his home in the Black
Mountain, which leads to the ultimate confrontation with the
creature responsible for the deaths. There is plenty of action
and blood, so it is not for the squeamish. The chapters shift
backwards and forwards between the various elements of the stories,
but the author keeps control of the threads as the story moves along
at a fast pace.
I think it would appeal to middle/upper secondary boys who enjoy
Matthew Reilly or any other fast paced action adventures and are
looking for something similar. The graphic descriptions of
death would preclude younger readers.
David Rayner