Birdsong by Ellie Sandall

Egmont, 2011. ISBN 9781405247382.
'One small bird, in a tree - kitcha, kitcha, kee, kee, kee' is
joined by a
friend 'Urrah! Urrah! Rah rah ree'. And more and more friends
come and join this wonderful bird chorus. Everything is fine until "'a
bird with a mighty beak joins them with a piercing shriek'. But then
something else lands on the branch and he gets his come-uppance!
A simple theme with an old message that makes a delightful story with
heaps of potential for the classroom. Kindergarten had
enormous fun acting it out but were challenged when I asked them to
make their
bodies the orchestra - they had to make all the bird sounds but they
couldn't use
their mouths. Then we made a body band with little groups beating out
different rhythms in sequence and together. It was like singing a round
using our body music. Trace around your hand with thumb and pinky
outstretched on a piece of paper towelling, drop a few drops of dye so
the colours gently merge (because that's how they think Ellie Sandall
did it), add some
lines with black pencil for features, cut them out when they are dry
and you
have your own bird to add to the branch. But not until you've invented
own sound for it so we can have another body band and more laughs.
And when all that fun and learning about the delight of language and
stories is done, talk about the message of the story and have them
their own: 'I got so ______ when __________ and I __________.' Get
them to illustrate that, if you dare, because Heidi wrote 'I got so
full when I
ate the last Easter egg that I spewed!' and Ellie wrote 'I got so mad
my brother teased me again that I punched him.' Ya got love 'em!
Barbara Braxton