Big river, little fish by Belinda Jeffrey

UQP, 2011. Louis Braille Audio. 2011.
Read by Robert Alexander, 6 Cd's, 7 1/2 hrs.
Tom Downs, a young man born on the banks of the River Murray as his
young mother died, knows the river is rising. It is 1956 in a sleepy
community along South Australia's section of the river, where people
not really accepted into the town live in shacks along the
riverbank, where Aboriginal people are the first to be suspected of
a crime, where Tom is tutored by the mother of his best friend
Hannah as he is unable to decipher words and reading. When Tom's
real father comes back into his life things are on a knife edge, his
parents are unsure of what Tom will do, Hannah's father is suddenly
killed on the road and Tom's Harley disappears. All these incidents
are played out against the rising river, adding to the already
taught tensions within the community.
In a story which reflects a small river town of the 1950's with
humour and compassion, readers will follow Tom's story eagerly. The
setting and characters are drawn with an honesty that is palpable,
and the tale, redolent of the times is evocative, despite a few
Read by Robert Alexander, the humour is given full reign and his
deliberate voice adds a resonance to the story which suits it well.
Seven hours went along very quickly as I listened to the full story
as it played out along the banks of the Murray River in 1956. For
students wanting to hear an engrossing story, well told, they can
not go past this excellent production, which I assume to be one of
the last of the Louis Braille Audio books, a publisher that
deservedly won many awards, and will be greatly missed. I'm very
glad I now have a small collection of Louis Braille Audio books,
which compliments that of my local library. For adults and students
alike, the ease of putting a CD into the home or car system makes
stories such as this easily accessible. Treasure them.
Fran Knight