Big Book of Dinosaurs

Robert Irwin Dinosaur Hunter series. Random House, 2013. ISBN
(Age: 6-12) In this lavishly illustrated book, Robert Irwin has put
together a wealth of facts and figures and other fascinating tidbits
about his favourite things - dinosaurs. Son of well-known
conservationists Steve and Terri Irwin, Robert is continuing their
legacy even though he is not yet 10 years old, and that, in itself,
is enough to inspire younger readers to look more closely at their
This is not an impersonal, all-you-want-to-know-about book, like so
many others with a similar title. We start by meeting Robert, who
despite his extraordinary circumstances, has had a love of dinosaurs
from a very young age - just as many of our young students do - but
it is those extraordinary circumstances that have enabled him to
pursue that love in a way that our young students cannot and now he
shares that with his readers. While his first visit to a dinosaur
museum was the Paris Natural History Museum, he recommends others
that would be a starting place for others such as The Lark Dinosaur
Trackway in Winton in Queensland, and interspersed throughout the
book is a travel diary of the world's leading dinosaur museums. For
those not able to travel to Paris, London or New York, perhaps the
National Dinosaur Museum in Canberra would be more accessible.
Wherever, your students start their journey, dinosaurs are a
perennial favourite with the young and the 567.9 section is well
Robert introduces his Top 10 Dinosaurs, none of them not as
well-known as those such as Tyrannosaurs Rex, so the reader is
introduced to a wider variety of these creatures (including some
unique to Australia) through a fascinating description, a fact file
and graphics as well as an inset note from Robert. There are also
the Dinosaur Hunter Awards and we learn which ones have the longest
claws, the most teeth and so on, including the one made most famous
by Hollywood.
All in all, this is a great addition to your collection that will
appeal not only to those who love the Dinosaur Hunter series
but also those who are aspiring to read them as their skills
develop. The text is just right for that 6-12 year old market,
whether as a read-along, read-aloud or read-alone, with an appealing
layout with much to be learned just discussing from the pictures. A
must for anyone with dinosaur lovers in their lives, both those who
know and those who want to know.
Barbara Braxton