Beyond reasonable doubt by Gary Bell QC and Scott Kershaw

Elliot Rook, QC book 1. Raven Books, 2019. ISBN:
9781526606136. 352pp.
(Age: senior secondary/adult) I have three crime fiction books on
the go, but once I picked this up, they were all set aside. Elliot
Rook, fifty or so years old, a QC in a prestigious London practice,
a successful old Etonian, is approached by a solicitor who tells him
that his client has asked only for him. Billy Barber is an
acquaintance from Rook's days in the Midlands, a product of the
disgruntled ex coal mining towns in the shadow of Thatcher's
Britain, a criminal who blames immigration for Britain's woes. Rook
would prefer to forget all his dealings with this man, the brother
of his closest friend through school and early adulthood, but Barber
knows things about his past and he is forced to represent this
racist thug when he is accused of murder. But he will not answer any
questions from the police or Rook which forces Rook to make his own
inquiries. The Girl was found naked, badly beaten and strangled
along a disused railway track, and Barber's phone records tell the
police he was nearby. His racist threats, known to all via media
posts and action groups outside the mosque, make him a prime
At a loss to defend his client, Rook and his new junior, Zara
Barnes, travel to Cotgrave in Nottinghamshire to trawl through some
of his past. Here Zara is reminded of why she wanted to get out of
the place, and Rook follows leads into Barber's life which get him
almost killed.
A non stop breath taking journey sees all the work done by Rook and
Barnes coming together at the Old Bailey, Court Number One, Zara's
first case. Here the routines of the courtroom are explained as the
case proceeds, making the reader fully aware of just how the system
works without being overwhelmed with information. Bell makes it all
so readable, so I was thrilled to see that this is the first in a
series about the wonderful Elliot Rook a man whose past has
implications everyday, making his decision making all that more
complex. Themes: Crime fiction, Law courts, Trial, Racism,
Prostitution, Trafficking.
Fran Knight