Between by Jessica Warman

Hardie Grant Egmont, 2011. ISBN 9781742970226
(Ages 14+) Elizabeth Valchar (Liz) is pretty, popular and perfect
she also has just about everything she could possibly want. But on
the morning of her eighteenth birthday everything changes, she wakes
up because of a constant thumping on the side of her families yacht,
that she had her birthday party on the night before. At first she
thinks it's just a fish stuck between the yacht and the dock, but
when she goes to free it what she finds is terrifying, because stuck
where she thought there would be a fish is her dead body! She is
desperate to find out what happened the night before at her birthday
party, to know how she died, but she has forgotten so much of her
life. Soon after she dies she is joined by Alex Berg who died the
year before, Alex was never one of the popular kids; to Liz and her
group he was no one. Together they try to uncover the mysteries of
what happened the night Liz died and who killed Alex. As she learns
more about the what happened leading up to the time of her death she
learns that no one least of all herself is innocent and everyone has
their secrets.
I would highly recommend this book, as it is absolutely amazing. I
started reading and couldn't put it down and when I did all I wanted
to do was pick it up and start reading it again. It is a ghost
story, a murder mystery and a love story mixed together, and with
the past and the present together throughout the book you learn more
of Liz's past as she does and see her and Alex become friends even
after how she treated him.
Tahlia Kennewell (Student)