Bessie's war by Krista Bell

Ill. by Belinda Elliott. Windy Hollow Books, 2017. ISBN
(Age: 5+) Recommended. War, Women's role in war, World War One.
Bessie is frustrated that she cannot be overseas with her father and
brothers as they fight in the trenches in France. Even eighteen year
old Maud from next door has joined the Australian Infantry Service
and sailed for Europe as a nurse. Bessie dreams of what she is
missing, much to the chagrin of her teacher who often sees her day
dreaming. But one day Bessie has an idea. A letter from her father
talks of trench foot and she sees that knitting woollen socks will
help the men avoid this disease. She enlists the help of her class
mates and together they knit scarves and socks for the men overseas.
When their teacher hears of what they are doing, she too joins the
efforts by reading to them as they knit each afternoon. Finally they
have enough to send and these are supplemented with tobacco,
biscuits and sweets at the Australian Comforts Fund headquarters
before being sent overseas. The soft edged illustrations support the
story admirably, and I love the image of Bessie knitting surrounded
by mounds of wool, emulating The Sock Knitter by Grace
Cossington Smith, held in the National gallery.
Krista Bell presents a snippet of the war effort involving women
that is usually unseen. In presenting this book, she has brought to
the fore the efforts of the many who stayed at home, the women who
could not participate but were desperate to support their families
overseas. Young readers will see that everyone has a role in such an
event, everyone can participate and that everyone's efforts will
help bring an end to the conflict. And it may encourage classes to
think of a way of supporting one of the many causes needing help
Fran Knight