Begone the raggedy witches by Celine Kiernan

The wild magic Trilogy: Book 1 Walker Books, 2018. ISBN
(Age: 10-14) Highly recommended. Themes: Fantasy. Witches. Good and
evil. Strong female character. On their way home from the hospital,
where Mup's great aunt lies dying, Mup sees the raggedy witches
flying along, leaping from tree to tree and following their car.
When they fail to persuade Mup's Mam to go with them, they kidnap
her father and the family is forced to try and rescue him. On the
other side of the border the land is strange and Mam is powerful and
strong. Mup realises that she too has witch's powers and is caught
up in the struggle of the land between the evil Queen and those who
oppose her.
Lyrical prose and wonderful characters made this a story that is
hard to put down. The world of the witches is described in detail,
and the magic that happens there is unique, frightening and
fascinating. There are people who can turn into birds, Mup's little
brother is turned into a dog who speaks so that he can keep up on
their swift journey and Crow the boy that Mup befriends is a raven
who must talk in rhyme.
Mup is an outstanding character, thoughtful, caring and brave, and
her courage and moral conviction about good and evil, shines out in
the book. As well as many exciting adventures that drag the reader
along at break-neck speed, there are dilemmas too that must be
considered by the reader. Did Aunty make the right decision in
keeping her niece away from the land where she had magical skills
and could have been a good leader? Should Crow's mother been more
loving and caring? Should people stand up against a tyrannical
This is an exciting and compelling read that will appeal to all
lovers of fantasy. It was so original and interesting that I
finished it in one sitting and look forward to the next in the
Pat Pledger