Because Amelia smiled by David Ezra Stein

Candlewick Press, 2012. ISBN 978 0 7636 4169 6.
(Age: 5+) Warmly recommended. Picture book. Interconnectedness. When
Amelia smiled, Mrs Higgins smiles as well, thinking of her son far
away. She cooks him some biscuits and sends them on. In Mexico
Lionel and his class eat the biscuits, then Sensacia decides that
she too will be teacher like Lionel and so shows her kickboxing
technique to her cousin who videos it, placing it on the internet.
Far away in England a group of dancers see her technique and emulate
it for their dance, which leads them to Israel where they are in a
recital. Each positive thing is carried from one person to another
until the smile eventually reaches back to where it came form,
enriching people's lives along the way, making people connect with
each other.
A simple premise, the tale of just one smile will help bring smiles
to those who read the story, adding their own versions of
interconnectedness and togetherness.
The spectacular use of multi media, crayon, water colour and pencil,
brings each city to life, drawing on varied styles to capture the
essences of those places. I love the pages set in Paris, with its
journey along the Seine, and the high wire act at Positanao. Each
brought smiles of recognition to my face and will delight the range
of readers this admirable book attracts. If a little obvious in its
plea for togetherness, it matters not a jot, as children everywhere
will agree wholeheartedly.
Fran Knight