Beauty queens by Libba Bray

Allen and Unwin, 2011. ISBN 9781742377070.
(Age 15+) Highly recommended for mature readers. When a plane carrying
teen beauty queens to their pageant destination, crashes on a densely
forested island, the survivors have to bring all their resources
together to stay alive. Keeping to their beauty regime while building
shelters and finding food can be quite a challenge but the girls manage
not only to survive but to find some beauty products as well!
An award winning author, Libba Bray uses satire at its best to point
out the difficulties that her young beauty queens face in their world.
It is a place where reality TV and corporate sponsorship
dominate. The ideal of beautiful faces and bodies is obsessively
pushed at girls, often by their mothers.
Bray chooses a group of girls, the leader Miss Texas, highly
intelligent Adina Greenberg who wants to bring the beauty pageant down,
and Shanti Singh, who can make papadum 'as my mother and grandmother
taught me,' standing out for me.There are many more to show the
different pressures that the girls are under, not least having pushy
parents who insist on their entering the beauty scene. The reader finds
out about them from their Miss Teen Dream Fun Facts page and then
follows their journey as they learn how to become self-sufficient and
able to rely on others on the island. There are great moments when the
girls flex their imaginations and beauty materials to cope, like using
stretch materials to gather water.
The introduction of a sub plot where soldiers for the Corporation are
attempting to take over a small country and are stationed on the island
provides plenty of action and suspense. The appearance of a ship
carrying a group of gorgeous young men, pirates from the Captains
Bodacious TV series, provides some lively love interest.
There are many laugh aloud moments as Bray satirises the Corporation
and Ladybird Hope, the beauty queen mentor for the girls. But the story
revolves around what happens to the girls when there is no beauty
pageant to win and they must discover who they really are. There are
important messages for girls about sexuality; obsession with body image
and friendship, all packed up in a funny, challenging book. It will be
sure to get them thinking about product advertising, big business, boy
bands and dictators.
Some sex scenes, violence and discussion of sexual orientation make it
a book for the older teen. The theme of female empowerment and girls
finding themselves, as well as a fabulous conclusion, make it a very
worth while read.
Pat Pledger