Beatrice Zinker upside down thinker by Shelley Johannes

Hachette, 2017. ISBN 9780734417336
(Age: 6-9) Recommended. Themes: Individuality. Self-perception.
School. Friendship. Humour. 'Beatrice Zinker did all her best
thinking upside down.' Life in the Zinker family proves difficult
for middle child Beatrice, everyone else 'likes boxes and
boundaries, they follow the rules and prefer to fit in with their
friends'. In first and second grade Beatrice and her best friend
Lenny loved wearing costumes, playing pirate games and testing the
limits. Over the summer holidays, Beatrice waits for her best friend
to return from the Philippines; she has big plans involving ninja
suits, reconnaissance and spying.
On the first day back, Lenny has transformed into a normal third
grade student, new sparkly shirt, a skirt, and no more glasses. What
a shock for Beatrice, but instead of accepting the changes, she
concentrates on still trying to be friends. While Lenny, her new
buddy Chloe and their classmates are playing veterinarians at
recess, Beatrice creatively tries to fit in. Could she be a bat,
hanging upside down, or a sticky gecko? When an accident happens and
Beatrice spends time in the nurse's office, her creative mind works
on a possible solution to her friendship and classroom dramas.
Shelley Johannes' gentle story encourages young readers to think
positively and celebrate their different styles and personalities.
Her creative language uses alliteration, humour and sensory
experiences to build a picture of Beatrice's journey. Beatrice
Zinker upside down thinker is a wonderful read aloud novel for
years 2-4, one to stop and ponder the sage advice, the creative
thinking and discuss the valuing of individual differences. Johannes
has drawn from childhood experiences and this is beautifully crafted
in this junior novel as she explores emotional wellbeing,
friendship, self-perception and anti-bullying.
Rhyllis Bignell