Bears, bears, bears by Martin Waddell

Ill. by Lee Wildish. Hodder Children's Books, 2014. ISBN
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Bears, Greed. Loving bears as she does, Ruby
puts up a sign inviting bears to come and play with her. One bear
appears from the Bear Wood, and together the two have bear hugs and
play chasey. But Ruby is not satisfied, she asks for more bears. Two
more appear, and they have a great time together, until, Ruby, again
asks for more bears. This goes on until the whole house is full of
bears, and she cannot sleep in her own bed. Undeterred, she takes
her blanket to the bathroom, but finds that room filled with bears
as well.
She turns to her original bear and tells him there are too many
bears. He calls 'Bears out', and they all find their way out of the
house and back to the Bear Wood. Ruby and her one bear are alone at
The illustrations are just wonderful, the expressions on the bears'
faces will draw the young readers to look at each individually. Each
bear is different, and the pages with many bears crowded together
invites the reader's close attention. Look closely at the bears in
the bathroom, they are using all the facilities!
I love this take on being satisfied with what you have, of not being
greedy, of too much of a good thing being overwhelming, and can
imagine teachers and parents being able to use the lovely tale to
point out a few home truths to a group of children. After they have
read it for its huge sense of fun, of course.
Fran Knight