Battle fatigue by Mark Kurlansky

Bloomsbury, 2011. ISBN 9781408826911.
For Joel Bloom, a boy growing up in 1960s America, war is familiar
and an accepted fact of life. Parents, relatives, neighbours and
teachers have served in World War Two and some have been
significantly affected. Whilst some are reticent to divulge details,
others share tales and experiences, many of which appeal to
impressionable children. This prompts Joel and his friends to
re-enact vague battles influenced by patriotism and a juvenile grasp
of history, as a popular playtime ritual.
As Joel meanders through his childhood which is affected by an
appreciation of the more recent Korean War and direct experience of
the Cuban Missile Crisis, his perspective matures and he
demonstrates a philosophical intuition which is amusing and thought
provoking. The introduction of an enjoyment (which evolves into
obsession) with baseball is a refreshing and realistic aside which
tempers the sad but accurate depiction of children who believed that
they were destined to die in a nuclear holocaust.
Joel sees military service as an inevitable path in life and in this
he is no different to the veterans in his community or the
traumatised older boys who have survived tours in Vietnam.
Experiences at secondary school and college prompt him to question
the broader issues of international conflict and the fundamentals of
killing on a personal and human level. Joel's position gains clarity
and urgency as his draft eligibility approaches and the reader is
taken on the disconcerting, confused journey which so many young men
must have faced as they rationalised their responsibilities, fears
and preferences in a bid to arrive at the least worst outcome.
Military service in Vietnam versus safety in the Army Reserves or
exile in Canada or conscientious objection or failing the induction
test on fabricated medical grounds or ensuring rejection in more
humiliating ways - these were the limited options available to young
men whose long term plans for sporting prowess, study, careers and
relationships were all altered by the expectation that they
undertake mandatory military service. Through Joel, the reader gains
some understanding of the significant impact that the Vietnam war
had young men, even before the issue of death or disfigurement is
considered. Younger readers who are not familiar with the era will
readily transpose modern conflict and draw their own conclusions
about compulsory military service and what forms of courage exist.
Rob Welsh