Bartimaeus - The Ring of Solomon by Jonathon Stroud

Doubleday, 2010. ISBN 9780385619165.
Recommended for readers of 10 years or older. Bartimaeus - the djinni
with attitude is back in a fourth book of the series, a prequel, only
to be enslaved to King Solomon and kept in line by the awesome powers
Solomon's ring brings across the realm. That doesn't stop him trying
everything to be free of Solomon, and does nothing to curb his endless
insolence and wise cracking. When a girl assassin is sent to kill King
Solomon and take the ring for her queen, Bartimaeus manages to
interfere and things get interesting.
This is a great story well told, with twists and turns. Crackling one
liners keep the book at an energetic pace, and there's an unexpected
twist in the tale.
Highly entertaining and very un put-downable, the book stands by itself
and you don't need to have read the other books in the series to
thoroughly enjoy this one.
Dean K.