Banjo Paterson Treasury by Banjo Paterson

Ill. by Oslo Davis. Random House, 2013. ISBN 9780857980069.
I confess. I am an unabashed fan of Banjo Paterson.
Since being introduced to his work as a newly arrived immigrant by
being enthralled with the movie 'The man from Snowy River' (the only
movie I have ever seen where the audience sat through the credits
and then applauded), I have loved his work to the extent that when I
sorted my CD collection recently, I found I had three sets of the
works by Wallis and Matilda who have set many of the poems to music.
The first lines of so many are so familiar... 'Once a jolly swagman
camped by a billabong', 'I had written him a letter', 'There was
movement at the station', 'Twas Mulga Bill from Eaglehawk that
caught the cycling craze', and each is featured in this treasury as
well as a host of not-so-familiar poems, illustrated by
cartoonist Oslo Davis.
Because of my passion, many of my students found themselves
exploring the works too, and more than one listed Paterson as their
favourite poet. Apart from the beauty of the language, the
stories they tell and the insight into the life of the times, I
found the poems made perfect introductions for a whole range of
lessons whether it was Year 3 putting their own illustrations to
'Waltzing Matilda' and 'Mulga Bill's bicycle', using 'The man from
Snowy River' as the catalyst for an investigation into the situation
of brumbies in Australia's high country, or stirring up a debate
amongst teacher education students at the Australian Catholic
University by asking if the little fellow in 'A bush christening'
was any less christened than one who had gone through a formal
church ceremony!
Paterson's works are part of the Australian heritage and psyche and
this latest collection in its paperback or ebook format is perfect
in size and price to keep with you at all times so you can delve
into them for pure pleasure or you can share them with the next
generation who need to know these words.
Barbara Braxton