Bang, bang, you're dead by Narinder Dhami

Corgi, 2009.
(Age: 12+)
Highly recommended. Mia and her twin
brother Jamie have much to contend with. Their mother suffers from
disorder and refuses to seek help. When the twins' beloved grandfather
their Mother's condition spirals out of control. Mia copes as best she
can, but
Jamie, filled with anger and resentment, seems to be going off the
rails. Then
one morning Mia's school is subjected to a siege and she is convinced
that the
crazed gunman holding class 9D hostage is her own brother. Mia
discovers depths
she never knew she had in an effort to reach Jamie and end the siege
This is a tense,
smouldering novel that switches between past and present to gradually
the events that have set Jamie on this disastrous path to self
However all is not as it seems and from the start Mia continually
whether the gunman is actually Jamie.
Would her beloved twin brother really be capable of such evil?
Just as we are
nearing the explosive finish Dhami lifts the whole plot to a higher
plane with a
superb twist that makes the reader re-evaluate everything they have
just read.
With believable
characters and fast moving cinematic action, this is first class
writing that
will grip you round the jugular and leave you both exhausted and
exhilarated. I
always find it a challenge to suggest an age range for a novel, as
twelve and
thirteen year olds vary so much (just as forty year olds do I suppose!
However, with the bleak subject matter of
depressive illness and a school siege you may want to recommend this to
Claire Larson