Ban this book by Alan Gratz

Lothian Children's Books, 2017. ISBN 9780734417824
(Age: Middle primary - Middle School) Highly recommended. Amy
Anne Ollinger has it pretty tough at home... her youngest sister
thinks she is a My Little Pony and the other, whom Amy Anne
unfortunately shares her bedroom with, uses Amy's bed for ballet
practice and yells at her whenever she comes in the room. No wonder
she turns to reading to escape from it all. When her favourite book
in the whole wide world is banned from the school library along with
12 other very popular books, the usually quiet Amy Anne rebels. The
introverted protagonist begins to collect the list of banned books
and starts a library out of her locker. Her idol, the school
librarian, gives her occasional hints about how best to run a
library; a lending system, for example. The novel focuses on
censorship but in a lighthearted way that has the reader cheering
for the book lovers.
The books are banned because a member of the School Board deems the
book inappropriate. Amy Anne's argument is that a child's parent should
be able to decide what is appropriate and suitable for their child
on an individual basis. The list of banned books is based on a
factual collection of books banned at one or another stage within
American schools which could add an interesting element of
discussion, as well touching on the first and second amendments. The
novel is set in an American school. This novel was light and
hilarious at points. Amy Anne engineers a campaign to challenge
every book in the school library with her friends by finding
ridiculous reasoning to challenge; The magic treehouse
raises safety concerns; The Lorax portrays the timber
industry in a negative light, and so on. Having a sense of humour in
such a serious situation is a tool used by the author to really draw
in the reader. The only downside? Amy Anne is written as a fourth
grader, which may lose a percentage of middle years readers.
Clare Thompson