Bamboozled by David Legge

Scholastic, 2015. ISBN 9781743620212
(Age: 4+) Highly recommended. Award winner. Grandparents. Wit and
Humour. When a young girl visits her grandfather, she feels that
something is odd but cannot quite figure it out, and this contrasts
amazingly with what the reader sees on every page. Readers will
smile broadly at the topsy-turvey nature of the house in which her
grandfather lives. No ordinary place, there is lawn instead of
carpet, animals in the most unusual places, people seem to lean out
of the picture frames on the walls, the inside of the house
sometimes feels like the outside, but she still cannot see what is
They do the things people do when they visit. They have morning tea
with freshly baked cakes and play cards; she helps with the
housework and does some gardening with her grandfather. The
watercolour illustrations are filled with things for the readers to
look at and laugh about, sharing what they see with others in the
group. They will laugh out loud turning the pages eagerly to see
what else Legge has added to this topsy-turvey place.
This edition republished for its twentyfirst year, will intrigue and
delight a new generation of readers as they find all the differences
in grandpa's house and ponder over the one difference the
granddaughter can see.
A welcome addition is a note from David Legge outlining where his
ideas for the book came from, and showing some of his drawings as
the ideas developed, including photographs of the people he used as
the models for his characters and a photo of himself at work.
Children will simply love this house and the gentle relationship
between the grandfather and his granddaughter, culminating in her
realsising what the one difference is. Along the way, readers will
see grandfather looking after himself doing most of the work around
the house, a child visiting and helping and the sorts of things
people do when visiting. This book contains a lovely image of
day-to-day activities set against an improbably hilarious house, one
that will keep children chuckling for a long time after the book is
Fran Knight