Ballet backflip by Meredith Costain

Ill. by Danielle McDonald. Ella Diaries series. Scholastic
Australia, 2015. ISBN 9781743628645
Recommended for readers from 7-9 years. Ella's diary contains her
quirky, innermost thoughts, her observations, poems, feelings - both
sad and happy, all accompanied by small action cartoons drawn in
purple and black. Ella is very expressive and informative, she loves
using dot points and lots of punctuation! She attends La Madame Fry
Ecole de Ballet - ballet school - every Wednesday afternoon and
Saturday morning with her best friend Zoe. Madame Fry announces a
special ballet concert set in an enchanted wood, the junior class is
baby bunnies. Unfortunately, there's only one special role the Fairy
Queen for the senior girls, the rest of the group is rocks, trees
and mushrooms. Dante the only boy dancer is the Fairy King. Ella
practices and practices plies and pirouettes in her bedroom, often
interrupted by her younger sister Olivia and her friend Matilda.
At school annoying Peach and her friends are impressing their
classmates with awesome flips, somersaults and moves they have
learnt at Twisters, a new gymnastics club. When Zoe decides to leave
ballet lessons and join the gymnastics club.
Meredith Costain's Ella Diaries are amusing to read, she
really understands the highs and lows a young girl experiences at
home, at school and in choosing the right sport or activity. The use
of different font styles, sizes and colours combined with different
styles of poetry and use of difficult words and made-up ones like
'exhausterating' make this an appealing junior novel.
Rhyllis Bignell