Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater

Scholastic, 2011. ISBN 978 1 407121 12 3.
Reviewed by
This is an excellent sequel to Lament and continues the
between James and Deirdre as they both embark on life at Thornking-Ash
School of Music.
Each chapter is a reflection from one of three main characters - Nuala,
a faerie obsessed with James, James or Deirdre (Dee). Although Deirdre
is part of the main story it is text messages she writes but doesn't
send to James that give us an insight in to the concerns she has and
her ongoing relationship with the faeries. James is trying to deal with
the constant presence of Nuala, the concerns he has for Dee and
day-to-day life at school and his interactions with Mr Sullivan his
English teacher.
In the chapters that contain Nuala's reflections an extract of a poem
titled 'Golden Tongue: Poems of Steven Slaughter' is given providing a
link with the faerie world and insight into her thinking.
As the characters lives intertwine and the influence and effect of the
faeries becomes greater so does the danger for James and the people
around him. Interestingly the involvement of minor characters initially
proves to be important and significant as the story develops. James is
forced to make a difficult choice between Nuala and Dee and the reader
is kept guessing as to the final outcome until almost the last
page of the story.
Tracy Glover