Baby's first bank heist by Jim Whalley

Ill. by Stephen Collins. Bloomsbury, 2018. ISBN 9781408891193
(Ages: 4+) Highly recommended. Themes: Animals, Babies. Utterly
crazy and equally hilarious, this is the tale of an errant infant,
Frank, immediately distinctive in a black and white Babygro. An
ardent animal lover, he has an overwhelming desire for a pet of his
own, but his parents won't allow it, stating that pets are too
expensive to upkeep. This leaves Frank with only one option and he
desperately becomes a bank robber. The issue is this tiny lad is not
content with just one animal, and with cash in abundance, within no
time at all he has all the pets he ever desired, from a meerkat to a
rhino, and the entire house resembles a menagerie.
Until . . . one afternoon his Mum makes a startling discovery!!
Frank's deceitful escapade has been discovered and it is now time to
make amends. With none of the stolen loot left, what can the family
do to raise the funds to repay the bank? And what do they do with
all the newly acquired animals? There is only one way to set matters
right. I won't say what ensues but will merely add that baby Frank
spends some time behind bars.
This pet related preposterous tale will get both children and adults
spluttering with glee at the pint-sized criminal mastermind, as wily
as the animated film star (Boss Baby). Debut author Jim Whalley
narrates in suitably deadpan rhyme while Stephen Collin's witty
expressive illustrations will delight young and old alike.
First in a series of picture books featuring Baby Frank and his
criminal activities, children will love Frank's logic and
Donna Isgar