Bab Sharkey and the Animal Mummies: The Giant Moth Mummy by Andrew Hansen

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Ill. by Jessica Roberts. Walker, 2018. ISBN 9781760650018
(Age: 8-12) Recommended. Themes: Magic, Ancient Egypt. Comedian Andrew Hansen and his artist wife Jessica Roberts transport us back to Ancient Egypt in a second uproarious instalment of Bab Sharkey and the Animal Mummies.
Twelve-year-old Bab lives with his archaeologist mother in the Sharkey Shack in Egypt. With his magical Pharaoh's beard attached, he becomes Pharaoh of the Lost City of Mumphis and all of the animal mummies. His job is to keep everyone safe, however, his archenemy the Unpharaoh and her loyal jackal, Cainus are out to destroy all the Mumphis mummies and Bab. With her special powers, she creates a giant mummified moth who loves to devour dust, clothing and people's sweat. The Unpharaoh sneakily disguises herself in six of the jackal's shoes and unleashes the moth at the Osiris Theatre when Bab's friends Prong is testing his comedic skills. Chaos ensues; the giant moth Mummy is unleashed and begins to devour the audience of animal mummies.
Unfortunately, in all the chaos, Bab is eaten and is sent to the Underworld with Anubis as his tour guide. He uses spells from the Book of the Dead to guide Babs into the Paradise of the Afterworld. So much madcap adventure, difficult situations and desperate action occurs; Babs even removes his own heart to be weighed on the golden scales in the Hall of Truth. If he is judged to have a light heart because of all his good deeds Babs can cross the river into Paradise. Ingenious plots, a touch of magic and crazy actions are needed to save the day.
Hansen and Roberts add some fabulous historical facts perfect for readers to research. Their magical world is exciting and imaginative and they take the reader on a frenetically paced journey. Jessica Robert's lively line drawings add to the excitement. There are possessed fluffy bunny slippers and snowshoes, a magical beard scooter and Prong the ibis mummy whose head has been stitched on upside down.
The Giant Moth Mummy is a humorous action and adventure junior novel just right for sharing as a class novel.
Rhyllis Bignell