Awesome Aussie Things to Do with Mum ill. by Simon Williams

Scholastic, 2014. ISBN 9781742839950.
(Age: 7-11) This activity book is aimed at primary school children
and has lots of things that could be done either with Mum or with
other adults. There is a Contents page that gives a good overview of
the activities and projects. It is organised into the following
sections: In the backyard, Games, Home sweet home, Stuff to do on
rainy days and Beach Daze. In the backyard gives ideas about
pressing flowers, making a rock garden, planting plants to keep away
bugs, keeping worms and making a bonsai plant. Games contains ideas
about skipping rope, playing with elastics, making Cat's Cradle,
knucklebones and hopscotch. Home sweet home has knitting and other
craft. Stuff to do on rainy days includes making silhouettes, magic
tricks, balloon shapes and a bedroom makeover. Beach Daze has ideas
for sunhats, volleyball, sandcastles and other beach activities.
All the ideas are simply and humorously described and illustrated
with step by step instructions. There is a clever emphasis on
showing how wonderful Mum is and what she can do, and a few subtle
hints that would help Mum out - like the feng shui bedroom makeover
that involves giving away things that are not needed and tidying up!
The activities are all ones that could be done at home, albeit with
the cooperation of an adult as supplies would need to be purchased
and to be at hand.
This book would provide lots of ideas for time fillers for school
holidays for parents, and ideas for grandparents when children come
to stay with them and would be a useful book to have on hand for
when children are bored.
Pat Pledger