Australian Backyard Naturalist by Peter Macinnis

National Library of Australia, 2012. ISBN 9780642277428.
From the furry to the slimy, the large to the tiny, Peter Macinnis
explores the lives of the animals that share our lives and spaces in
this fabulous book designed to introduce the reader to the
fascinating world living in their backyard. From possums to parrots
to pill-bugs, we learn about the habits and habitats of creatures
that many of us never even notice yet are critical to ensuring that
our environment is healthy and harmonious. Much as I think that some
creatures have way too many legs and shudder as I think of them
creeping over my skin, I now have a new respect for them and
although I'm yet to be convinced of the value of a fly, I do
understand that without them there would be no maggots and therefore
the medical world would be deprived of an important source of
For this is the sort of information that is characteristic of
Peter's books - he doesn't just give dry facts that can be clicked,
copied and pasted into some equally dry assignment - he tells a
story that absorbs you so you just keep reading and learning,
engaged and intrigued, and emerging with not just information, but
Each section comprises smaller sections that make its information
accessible in the short chunks that support the learning needs of
its audience. In My Backyard gives Peter's experiences with
each sort of creature and it's this personal touch that is one of
the elements which sets this book apart. At a Glance gives a
broader background of the creatures and this is supported by Amazing!
full of those quirky facts that some may wonder at the author's
ability to winkle out, but those who are familiar with his writing
and know the depth of his research are not so surprised. A
Closer Look examines more complex issues such as chemical
signals in ants and then the storyteller side of the scientist
returns with fascinating histories about man's interaction with the
creature. Did you know that Amalie Dietrich spent ten years living
rough in the Queensland bush in the mid-19th century collecting,
preparing and preserving specimens for use in European scientific
studies, including the first-ever taipan snake? Her work led her
become known as 'Australia's first spider lady'. Finally, each
section has at least one project idea that students can engage in so
they can see for themselves just what it is they have been learning
about. (Miss 5 is going to love those and Grandma is just going to
have to grow some backbone.)
The whole book is lavishly illustrated with photos from the National
Library's collections and diagrams and photos that no Google search
will ever deliver. The whole thing has this rich, glossy, satisfying
feeling that a quality print resource offers and is accompanied by teachers notes.
I'm always honoured to review Peter's books and this one is no
exception - it's been a torment having to wait till most schools
were back in session so that as many as possible can know about what
I consider to be a vital addition to the library's non fiction
collection, primary and secondary. In 2010, Peter's book Australian
Backyard Explorer won the Eve Pownall Award for Information
Books from the CBCA - I predict Australian Backyard Naturalist
will be a similar winner in 2013.
If it is not readily available through your local bookseller, it is
online through both National Library bookshop and the distributor,
NewSouth Books.
Barbara Braxton