Atmospheric: The Burning Story of Climate Change by Carole Wilkinson

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Black Dog Books, 2015. ISBN 9781925126372
Highly recommended. Themes: Climate Change; Fossil Fuels; Environment; History - Climate Change. This small, easy-to-read book tells the story of our Climate and its change over time. The impact of human activity is explored in a systematic tour of history and its relationship with coal, energy production and the consumption of energy. The causes of the problems that the younger generation have inherited from their industrial forbears and because of consumer-driven energy demands leads to a discussion of the small ways that young people can attempt to halt what seems like a 'runaway' disaster.
Carole Wilkinson has simplified the topic of Climate Change into a very consumable book for the young reader. Interspersed with the history of human energy use are small stories telling of the lives of those who were there at the time of significant change. Although this is a 'Science topic', it is also an issue that affects all human citizens and we should all be educated and aware of the impacts of climate change. This book is written in such an engaging way, almost magazine-style science and social history, that it is easy to read from beginning to end. This would make an interesting change for a teacher-led 'Read-aloud' book, or would make a great class text. Hopefully this book helps to make change. One small story of the young African girl's question to a presenter at a UN conference for young people should also speak to every reader, 'Can you tell me what you yourself are doing to help solve the problems?'
Carolyn Hull