Atlas of Record-Breaking Adventures by Emily Hawkins

Illus. by Lucy Letherland. Wide Eyed Editions 2020. ISBN:
(Age: 7+) Highly recommended. Subtitled A collection of the
DEADLY things from around the world, this is a beautifully
presented and cleverly illustrated non-fiction book and is another
addition to the Atlas of Adventures series. Other titles in
the series include Atlas of Miniature Adventures: A pocket-sized
collection of small-scale wonders, Atlas of Dinosaur
Adventures: Step Into a Prehistoric World and the Atlas of
Ocean Adventures: A Collection of Natural Wonders, Marine Marvels
and Undersea Antics from Across the Globe. This latest book by
author Emily Hawkins provides readers with an amazing insight into
record-breaking events, plants and animals, natural landscapes and
human-made marvels. The book begins with a clearly labelled map of
the continents with small images depicting some of the
record-breaking features to be discussed further in the book. The
Contents page uses each of the seven continents as headings with
sub-headings underneath related to the record-breakers. Once the
journey into the atlas begins, the reader is given a brief
description of the continent and then a myriad of amazing facts that
are unique to that particular area. Victoria Falls which borders
both Zambia and Zimbabwe on the continent of Africa is the most
enormous waterfall in the world. It is also known as Mosi-oa-Tunya
which translates in to 'the smoke that thunders'. The spray from the
waterfall can be seen up to 20 kilometres away. On the continent of
Europe the largest collection of bones is found in France in the
Catacombs of Paris which lie 20 metres below the city. The world's
heaviest parrot, the kakapo, is found in New Zealand. It can weigh
up to 4 kilograms and is also one of the world's longest living and
noisiest birds. Termites, the greatest insect builders in the world,
are found in Australia and their enormous mounds often up to 8
metres high are dotted throughout the Northern Territory. The reader
can explore over 30 scenes and read many interesting and varied
snapshots of information. At the end of the book is a detailed index
as well as a 'Can you find?' page.
The detailed illustrations by Lucy Letherland add to the overall
enjoyment and appeal of the book. This book is an excellent book for
gifting and sharing with a child or as a discussion prompt for
record-breaking phenomena. Themes: Record-breakers, Animals, Nature,
Environment, Wonders of the world, Continents, Maps.
Kathryn Beilby