Athlete vs mathlete by W.C. Mack

Bloomsbury, 2013. ISBN 978 1 599 908 58 8.
Owen and Russell are fraternal twins who have very different
interests. Owen loves basketball and Russell loves maths and
Master of the Minds. They are each happy with their role until
the new basketball coach gets Russell to try out for basketball
because of his height. After reluctantly going along with it
against his better judgment, to his own and everyone else's surprise
he gets on the team. This leads to trouble with Owen and
Russell's non basketballing friends who think he is letting them
down in their efforts to win Master of the Minds. What follows
is an exploration of the relationship between brothers as Owen
resorts to dirty tactics to retain his position.
The story also explores how we each have our own concept of our
value and self-worth. This is done subtly and is resolved in a
way that restores the relationship between the brothers as they each
appreciate their strengths and realize that together they are
There is enough about basketball to keep the sporting reader happy
whilst the other areas add some depth to the story. I think
that primary/middle school readers would find it an enjoyable read.
David Rayner