At my door by Deb Fitzpatrick

Fremantle Press, 2015. ISBN 9781925162707
(Age: 10+) Highly recommended. Family, Abandonment, Police,
Refugees. When eighteen month old Mei is left on Poppy's doorstep
late one cold night, the family works together to make the child
feel loved and wanted. Dad goes to the shop to get milk, a bottle
and nappies, Poppy dives into her box of old toys to find something
that Mei might like to play with, Mum finds a pillow for her to
snuggle into as she sleeps on the couch and next day, Harry brings
in his football to play with Mei. The police have been summoned and
Community Services alerted to the child being there. Eventually it
is decided that she stay overnight, a social worker arriving to take
her to a foster family the next day, but during the time she is in
their home, Poppy thinks about what it means to be part of a family,
and what being part of a family means to a young child.
This is a wonderfully open ended story. I can't stop thinking about
all the discussions a class may have as Poppy and her family discuss
a range of reasons that Mei has been left on their doorstep. No
judgement is given about who might have done this, only sympathy for
what may be happening in their lives and the continued hope that
they be reunited. Similarly the number of police and social workers
who turn up to the house are shown to be sympathetic and caring only
for the needs of the child, although the number of them may be a
gentle criticism.
The parting of the child from the family is a tearful moment, but
will underline the impact a family has upon a child.
Discussions with a class may take the path of discussing the obvious
issues of abandonment and fostering, leading to the more complex
issues of responsibility, not just at a family level, but at a state
and nation wide level. At my door suggests all sorts of
issues much wider than a single child as Australia and the world
struggles to help displaced families coming to our doorsteps. And
all this in 91 pages.
Fran Knight