Assault by Brian Falkner

Recon Team Angel, Book 1. Walker Books, 2011. ISBN 9781921720543.
(Ages 14 +) Recommended. When the story begins it is 2030 and most
of the world has been taken over by an alien race called
Bzadians. We are introduced to a highly trained multinational
group of teenagers who are part of an elite fighting squad, Recon
Team Angel. They have learned the Bzadian language, how to operate
their weapons and have been disguised through surgery and skin dying
to resemble the enemy. This team of six is dropped into the centre
of Australia to break into the Bzadian top secret facility under
Uluru and destroy it.
One of the six teenage soldiers is a traitor and solving this
mystery is an important element of the story. The main character of
Ryan Chisnall is well developed and the bravery and inventiveness of
his team leads to some exciting battle scenes. The teenage fighters
are forced to make some thought provoking ethical decisions and
these would be interesting to explore with readers in a class or
individual discussion. For example, how many lives can be classed as
just collateral damage?
This book is the first of a planned sci fi series documenting the
war to defeat the Bzadians. It is recommended for boys who love
adventure and war novels.
Chris Lloyd