Ash Road by Ivan Southall

Text Classics, 2013 (c1965). ISBN 9781922147493.
Where to start with this award winning Australian Classic novel?
Three boys on a camping trip accidentally start a bushfire that
spreads over an enormous area threatening lives and property.
Whilst mainly concerned with the residents of Ash Road the story
looks at the impact on the surrounding districts as well.
The book has a vintage feel, there are no mobile phones, no
computers and the lack of communication devices would be unfamiliar
to most young people. Also the respect shown to older people
is now not so familiar. However the description of the fire
and the atmosphere of the day are so vividly described, that it
brought back for me very unpleasant memories of Ash Wednesday in
1983. What it also highlights is how the children involved
have to rely on themselves and their own resources and how this
changes them in positive ways.
This is a deservedly classic story as it shows how life in the bush,
even close to cities, can never be taken for granted as the right
combination of circumstances can easily conjure up the catastrophe
that is described so chillingly in the story.
David Rayner