Arnie Avery by Sue Walker

Walker Books, 2010. ISBN 978 1 921529726.
Recommended. What started out as a regular Saturday afternoon at the
local pool turns into a nightmare. Family night is becoming
increasingly odd with Mum seeming to be disengaged with life and an
unexpected test produces disastrous results. Can life get any
When Arnie's friend Belly has an asthma attack while trying to teach
Arnie to box, a chain of events occurs that helps Arnie to see life
more clearly and enables him to find a solution to his problems. Arnie
is dealing with loss, a school bully and a dysfunctional family. It is
hard to imagine a successful solution to his problems. However as the
novel develops Arnie gains strength from unexpected sources and manages
to resolve his issues in a successful and rewarding way.
This is an excellent junior novel about relationships, friends and
family with strong characters and storyline.
Tracy Glover