Ariki and the giant shark by Nicola Davies

Walker Books, 2018. ISBN 9781406369793
(Age: 8+) Highly recommended. Ariki is a young island girl with a
love for the sea. She has lived on her island her whole life but she
is still seen as a stranger because she wasn't born there. Ariki was
washed ashore as a toddler and has no knowledge of where she is
from. Ariki is also very different to the other islanders due to her
tattoos - they are dots and lines rather than lines and swirls. her
tattoos are also on the opposite side to other girls. The island is
suffering as the fish are not swimming which means no food. When the
nihui (sharks) gather in abundance and as an even larger shark
appears, the islanders believe they are under attack and must hunt
and kill this monster shark. Ariki thinks differently. Her tattoos
tingle when she is in the water with this creature. The cave
etchings she discovers, thanks to the younger children, show this
giant creature needs help from humans. Can Ariki, her friend Ipo,
her guardian Arohaka and eight children help this creature while the
rest of the island wants to destroy it?
"Ariki and the Giant Shark" is a beautiful island adventure and
story about being yourself and believing in your gifts. Ariki is an
excellent role model for young readers because she is strong,
adventurous and independent despite being called names and not
having a traditional family to care for her. The story is
descriptive and easy to read, making it a great read aloud story for
bedtime or even in the classroom. It is a story from another culture,
connecting it to learning about Australia's neighbours in Geography.
This book is highly recommended for independent readers aged 8+.
Kylie Kempster