Are these my basoomas I see before me? by Louise Rennison

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Fab final confessions of Georgia Nicolson. HarperCollins, 2009.
(Ages 12 and up) Georgia is suffering a major dilemma. Masimo, the Pizza-a-gogo Luuurve God, is suffering a Mega Hump, thanks to having caught her 'accidentally twisting' with Dave the Laugh at a 'Stiff Dylans' gig. As much as she is desperate to placate Masimo, Georgia finds her lips puckering each time Dave comes near her. With her 'bestie', Jas, being involved in her own problems, Georgia feels she has been deserted and even confides in her mother on occasion! The Nicolson family continues to provide much entertainment as Libby and her parents offer support and advice on Georgia's love life and Mutti and Vati endeavour to resolve their own marital issues.
As much as I found this novel to be quite predictable and more of the same, it was nonetheless enjoyable. Rennison bases the series around all of the major components of the teenager's life - family, friends, Luuurve and Stalag 14 (school). The school play, bearing decidedly tenuous links to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, adds to the laughs as Georgia endeavours to add special effects such as blood capsules to the sword fight. The diary form makes for an easy read and the series is embraced by teenage girls.
Jo Schenkel