Arclight by Josin L. Mcquein

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Electric Monkey, 2013. ISBN: 978140526394.
(Age: Teens) Science fiction. Humans have a natural fear of the dark and the unknown, they like to live in the light, finding it safe and comforting.
In a warped future the human race has been reduced from billions to hundreds living in the safety of a compound known as the Arclight. They fear the dark and sleep in the light, controlled by colours and their every move tracked by tracer bracelets worn for their own safety a small number survive. An alien race known as the Fade have brought darkness to the world depicted having a human form and gleaming eyes these are the creatures which hide in the depths of every child's nightmare stealing the bodies of those foolish enough to fall into the Grey. As the Dark and Grey expand, slowly and inevitably encroaching on the Light, the people begin to hope. A girl rescued from the Dark lives among them, her memory lost but she lives, breathes and functions just as a human should. The girl, Marina, feels lost and alone in the compound of her own people, told that she remembers little as she was taken young. When the Fade begin an assault on the Arclight, Marina's past begins to reveal itself to her, bringing with it unimaginable chaos.
This is a sci-fi novel with a quaint mix of teenage drama and conspiracy, written in first person and set in the microcosm of the Arclight the novel portrays how lies feed lies until they finally tangle together to reveal the truth. I would recommend this novel for young adult readers with an interest in science fiction.
Kayla Gaskell (age eighteen)