Another night in Mullet Town by Steven Herrick

University of Queensland Press, 2016. ISBN 9780702253959
(Age: 15+) Highly recommended. Reluctant readers. Another
outstanding verse novel from Herrick stars two Year 10 boys, Jonah
and Manx who not only are facing the dilemmas of teenage life but
their small coastal town is being taken over by rich city
developers. Herrick's verse shows off the virtues of mateship, the
gulf between the rich and poor, the heartbreak surrounding family
breakdowns but through these problems his story shines with the
uplifting message that friends can help each other through the
difficult times.
Told in a rich verse narrative by Jonah life for the people in the
little town comes alive as he describes the fishing trips that
sustain Manx and him, the fights that his parents are having, the
parties on the beach, and the attraction that he feels for
Ella. Each chapter is given a heading that summarises an
aspect of life in Turon - The colour of rich, Climate
change 101, The irony of beer - and each illuminates
how the boys are feeling and what is going on in the town.
The themes of bullying by Patrick and his father who is a developer
are handled sensitively and Jonah manages to work out a way that
stops some of the more sinister intimidation that is going on.
There is everything in this novel that will appeal to teens - it is
a believable and captivating look at the life that many will
recognise - from kids being harassed at school, with developers
taking over an area for rich people who no vested interest in
keeping the town alive, parties on the beach and good friends
looking out for each other. It would make for a great class novel or
literature circle book for older teens, giving the opportunity not
only to discuss issues around development, but also bullying, drugs
and alcohol and coping with broken families.
Pat Pledger