Animals rock and other wild songs (with CD) written and sung by Beau Young and Shelley Craft

Ill. by Susy Boyer. Scholastic, 2017. ISBN 9781743810538
(Age: 2-5) Sing-a-long book. This is a sing-a-long book and CD set
comprising five songs by the Animals Rock band (they also have an
album available called On the Farm). Like many similar book
plus CD publications, it relies heavily on the CD. Reading the
lyrics aloud or attempting to put them to a tune will be
disappointing for most. When played, however, the five original
tracks are fun and catchy and should be appreciated by both children
and adults. There are a couple of louder and rockier songs but the
rest have a laid-back, folky, sometimes even country sound. The
first track introduces the members of the Animals Rock band: Lila
Horse, Gordo Gorilla, Ginger Giraffe and Leonius Lion. The other
four songs each feature a different animal, putting forward a few
fun facts about each within the lyrics. While there is not enough
detail to make these educational songs, children may discover new
things about the animals. Each song is short with a repeated chorus
that children will be able to sing. The full lyrics are also inside
the back cover. The fun illustrations will give children something
to look at while they listen to the music. When used in conjunction
with the CD this will be of use to music teachers or can just be
used as a fun sing-a-long book for preschool/classroom or home use.
Nicole Nelson