Animal Rescue: Tiger Tangle by Jackie French

Scholastic Press, 2012. ISBN: 9781742833835.
Recommended for the 7+ reader. Jackie French continues to sell her
environmental message this time focussing on captive animals used as
a promotion tool.
Glam Rock, pop star, performs with a Siberian Tiger on stage and
according to his publicity supports a breeding program at his
wildlife park to save Siberian tigers from extinction.
Leo, with his ability to communicate with animals, learns that this
is far from the truth and with Mozz decides to rescue the frightened
With elements of Mission Impossible and Mozz's amazing machines the
children break into Glam's penthouse apartment via the air
conditioning system and of course are caught in the act.
The series could also be used as a tool in an integrated unit on
Conservation. The ethics of using animals for publicity is touched
on and could be used as a great conversation starter when
investigating animal and environmental conservation.
Sue Keane