Angel of Storms by Trudi Canavan

Millennium's Rule :Book 2. Orbit Books, 2015. ISBN: 9780356501147
(Age: 12+) Recommended. Following Thief's Magic and with
years between, Angel of Storms follows the increasingly
dangerous adventures of both Rielle and Tyen throughout the many
worlds. Despite their paths finally crossing at the very end of the
novel, Canavan has woven their lives together well through shared
events and common relationships such as those with Raen and
Traveller run-away Baluka.
With the return of the Raen, the worlds are thrown into turmoil as
the dangers of magical communities increase. Setting off from his
school, Tyen warns his friends of the Raen's return. There is
already a resistance forming. Tyen is lost. With a magically poor
home world, he has little choice but to join the resistance or the
Raen. When Raen catches him between worlds, he discovers Tyen's long
kept secret, he intends to free a Vella, a woman who was trapped
inside a book by a previous ruler of the worlds. Raen offers to help
Tyen, in exchange for his services as a spy within the resistance,
thinking that he can use his position to prevent conflict between
the two parties.
Meanwhile, Rielle's work as a tapestry maker is interrupted by the
arrival of the angel, Valhan, come to take her to his heavenly
realm. Overcome by awe, Rielle does not question the angels she
meets, even when thrown into the desolate desert of a dead world.
Fortunately, before she can die of dehydration, she is discovered by
Baluka, a traveller with marriage on his mind. Things go array
however when the Raen discovers she is alive. He steals her away
leaving Baluka heartbroken and furious.
While the separation of the two main characters, Rielle and Tyen, is
at first confusing, Angel of Storms provides the perfect
melding of two stories. Both highly moral characters, Rielle and
Tyen present excellent role models for young adults; they are both
smart, independent and always do what they feel is right. I would
recommend this novel for young people aged twelve and up.
Kayla Gaskell, (University student, aged 20 )