An English boy in New York by T.S Easton

Hot Key Books 2014. ISBN 9781471401497.
(Age: 13+) While this is the sequel to Boys
don't knit there are sufficient explanatory references
dotted throughout the story to keep the new reader up to speed.
Having won Knit Fair UK Simon has been invited to New York to attend
Knit Fair USA. Hence begins a lightweight romp through the Big Apple
with the knitter himself, his parents, and mad mate 'innit' Gez who
catches up with his American 'gangster' cousin Keith.
Throughout the visit Simon is constantly teetering on the precipice
of some form of trouble. Starting with losing his suitcase then
being chased by 'the homeless guy', accidentally stabbing someone
with a crochet hook and rescuing his mate from a sleazy
After having rashly announced in a radio interview that he is a
faster knitter than a machine the focus for the plot turns into 'man
(or in this case boy) versus machine', the match up for which
becomes the climax of the story.
The story is sprinkled with lively characters. Much to Simon's
embarrassment his risque parents constantly converse in double
entendres and don't mind the odd game of rude scrabble. Gez is a
constant source of concern with his propensity for seeking, and
finding, trouble. While Simon is concerned about the fidelity of his
girlfriend, Megan, still home in England he is not immune to the
attractiveness of Brandi, his agent, with the the gleaming white
teeth or even the attentive Melanee, head of a rival knitting
Throughout the story Easton makes references to the iconic features
of this famous city: hot dogs, baseball, the flat iron building, the
subway, Madison Square Garden and of course every tourist's concern -
how much to tip? At a different level he explores the question of
big business versus cottage industry.
In the end, Simon realises there is 'no place like home' but the
reader suspects he will miss his philly cheese steaks.
A humorous, light-hearted story with appeal to those who can
suspend disbelief and enjoy the ride.
Barb Rye