Always Jack by Susanne Gervay

Harper Collins, 2010. ISBN 9780732290207.
Always Jack is a wonderful story involving a modern, blended
family -
dad, mum, kids and nanna. Along with the problems of everyday life
(like mum
getting married again) they are facing breast cancer.
The author, Susanne Gervay, writes from the perspective of Jack, the
child who is still in primary school. He is an inventor, a cook, a good
friend and a great big brother. He looks after his nanna, is always
jokes and helps everyone in his family. Understanding events from his
perspective will be appealing to independent readers (12+) as it is a
language they understand. Any child going through similar events such
nanna moving in, mum getting remarried or gaining step brothers will
understand what Jack is going through. If any parents read this book,
will want a son like Jack! I know I wish mine would do the cooking!
Yes, you will need a tissue at one point - breaking the news of breast
cancer to your children would be one of the hardest things a parent
ever has
to do but Susanne Gervay tackles it in a thoughtful and positive way.
realise that this independent and strong minded boy still needs his
mum. The
heart-warming part is how the family comes together and helps each
through and how they are willing to sacrifice other things as long as
mum is OK.
Kylie Kempster