All that is lost between us by Sara Foster

Simon and Schuster, 2016. ISBN 9781925184785
(Age: 15+) Recommended. Seventeen year old Georgia Turner is
isolating herself from her friends and family because she has a
secret she has been keeping but is desperate to tell her cousin and
best friend, Sophia. Anya, Georgia's mother is the school
psychologist but no matter what she tries, Georgia pushes her away.
If only she could have the back up from her husband, Callum, but
that relationship has become distant and isn't like when the
children were younger. Zac, Georgia's younger brother is worried
about his sister after she is involved in an accident. He stumbles
across Georgia's secret and is determined to help keep it for her.
When Georgia's secret is revealed on social media the twists and
turns of everyone's secrets begin to unravel. Can this tragedy bring
the Turner family back to a whole family unit once more?
This is the fourth book from Sara Foster, with the previous 3 all
reaching into the top 8 Australian good reads. The story is told
from the point of view of the Turner family so you get both sides of
the story and feel empathy for the characters. The mystery element
was compelling and I found it hard to put the book aside. At times
it is fast paced and at other times you are able to sit back and
enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Lake District. Foster brings
attention to the hazards of Social Media and how it can impact not
just the individual but a whole community.
I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to readers who are
15 years and above.
Jody Holmes