All that impossible space by Anna Morgan

Hachette Children's Books, 2019. ISBN: 9780734419637.
(Age: Teens) Highly recommended. All that impossible space
blends one of Australia's greatest mysteries with the typical drama
of teenage girls at an all-girls school. This combination makes
conversation about the Somerton man incredibly accessible and
presents history in a fun light for teenagers and I would highly
recommend it to teenage girls.
Following the start of year ten, one of the most important social
years for the girls at St. Mags, the novel's protagonist Lara Laylor
is faced with mystery after mystery, the first being new girl Kate
who threatens Ash's best friend claim to Lara. How do you manage a
new friend when you're so close with someone else? Second comes Mr
Grant's history assignment on the Somerton man - a man found dead
with no identification on an Adelaide beach in 1948. Next comes the
clincher - the disappearance of Mr Grant, easily Lara's favourite
teacher. With her sister on her gap year somewhere in Europe and Mr
Grant's illness, Lara almost doesn't notice the growing closeness
between her and Jos, a friendship blossoming into something new and
complicated - something that Lara, let alone Ash, can't comprehend.
Mixing with boys has never been so heady. Distracted and weighed
down with the mystery of the Somerton Man, Lara's thoughts are
elsewhere, making her the perfect girl for Jos and the boys from St.
Johns to befriend. Between rehearsals, boys, and the Ash-Kate cold
war Lara doesn't know how to find the answers she craves. Why is
nothing ever easy?
Kayla Gaskell