All That I Am by Anna Funder

Penguin Books, 2011. ISBN 9780143567516.
(Age: Senior secondary - adult) All That I Am is an
Australian multi-award winning novel. It doesn't wear its learning
lightly. It tells an important story, based heavily on fact, about
the emergence of Hitler; the terrifying reach of the Nazis inside
Germany and further afield; and the refusal of Germany and other
countries to recognise, let alone curb, evil. The characters are
from history and fiction. Anna Funder uses the tools of the novelist
to embellish the historical figures such as playwright Ernst Toller,
particularly in the details of his everyday life, words and
feelings. There is much information to impart, which can make the
storytelling suffer, but the narrative devices of dual narrators
assist this. There are two character narrators, but four voices.
Ruth is an overlooked Jew who is glad she isn't beautiful because
she can observe others without being looked at herself. She is
married to handsome Hans and is Dora's cousin. We hear Ruth's voice
as a young woman escaping from the Nazis and working for the
Resistance in London. We also know her as an old woman living in
Sydney. Toller is the other narrator. We hear his voice both during
the turbulent events of the Nazi ascendancy and later, when he is
rewriting his memoirs.
I wasn't immersed in the book until halfway through, possibly
because of the changing voices. Once into the story, though, I was
absorbed. It's an authorial dilemma - provide information through
multiple narrators but risk not creating a strong enough character
to ease the reader into the story. Probably the main character,
certainly the heroine, is courageous, intelligent Dora Fabian - a
historical figure, who devoted her life to making other aware of the
Funder has wisely avoided the well-trodden paths of dwelling on the
physical escapes from Germany, including Ruth's. She has a political
and emotional focus.
As a supplement to modern history, this novel is very worthwhile;
it's just a shame many students will find it difficult to access.
Joy Lawn