All of the factors of why I love tractors by Davina Bell

Illus. by Jenny Lovlie. Little Hare, 2019. ISBN: 9781760501457.
32pp., hbk.
Frankie McGee is very excited because today's the day he goes to the
library with his mother and he can borrow another book about
tractors - his favourite thing in the whole world. And no matter how
much his mum tries to persuade him to borrow something else - cars,
planes, cranes, trains - he is determined and launches into a list
of all the factors of why he loves tractors.
Told in a rollicking rhyme that moves both the story and the text
along at a great rate, this is the most delightful book that will
appeal to a lot of little boys, particularly those in rural areas
who are able to tell their John Deeres from their Massey Fergusons.
But it is the last four lines that are the best and which should put
a smile on any parent's (or teacher librarian's) face . . .
"See, Mama?" I say as we check our books out.
"I like books - that's what matters. Not what they're about.
And don't worry," I add. "I know this one by heart.
I can read it to you - all the way from the start."
Reading really is a super power!
Barbara Braxton