All my kisses by Kerry Brown

Ill. by Jedda Robaard. ABC Books/ HarperCollins, 2014. ISBN
(Age: Pre-School) Abby the piglet was very kissable. Every night as
she snuggled into bed she would be kissed once on the end of her
nose, twice on her forehead and countless times on the bottom of her
feet. And Abby likes those kisses so much she keeps each of them in
a special bucket to savour later, carrying them with her wherever
she went. But whenever she was asked for one, she would never share.
No matter who asked her, she kept her kisses to herself. They were
too special, too precious, too fragile to share. But something
starts to happen to those kisses, particularly the ones in the
bottom of the bucket that are buried and cannot be seen. In fact,
they have turned into bleak, grey pebbles - ugly things that Abby
throws away into the shadows...
This is a lovely story about how being selfish, even with something
that was given just to us, cannot necessarily make us as happy as we
would think and that sometimes giving it away can have unconsidered
consequences. It's about giving love as well as receiving it, and
how giving makes the receiving so much richer.
Accompanied by enchanting illustrations in soft colours which
capture Abby's personality and emotions perfectly, this is a lovely
tale about bedtime routines, sharing and makings friends that should
be high on your recommendations to your parents of preschoolers.
Barbara Braxton