All about graphs by Lorna Hendry

Maths Mutts book 1. Wild Dog, 2019. ISBN: 9781742035765.
(Age: 6+) Highly recommended. All about graphs is a great
research tool for all children and serves as an introduction to the
topic of graphs and also as a tool for older children as they decide
how to present their research. The book is beautifully illustrated
with delightful photographs of dogs and the other animals that are
incorporated into the interactive research tasks.
Lorna Hendry skilfully builds the reader's skills from understanding
what data is and how to collect and record it, to being able to
choose the most appropriate graph for their data. The examples she
uses engage the reader with her graphic representations, using
techniques such as dot plots, picture graphs, column graphs, pie
charts and line graphs. Her language is deceptively simple. The book
concludes with information on how to correctly label graphs and has
a useful glossary.
An inviting book to browse or to study.
Jan Barwick